Wednesday, April 4, 2012

First Friday.

Raleigh is known to be the most artistic and cultured in the Region. Every first Friday of each month bars and restaurants around downtown Raleigh host new art, incredible specials, and fun filled events. Look for the blue and white "First Friday" flags out side of venues to know if they are involved in the First Friday festivities. If you spot one of these flags it is a sure sign of artistic fun that first Friday.

 This event has grown larger in size over the years and more venues are taking part. At places like Isaac Hunter's Oak City Tavern off of Fayetteville street, they host new art from a featured artist and have the art hanging for the remainder of the month for purchase and admiration. They also will have catered appetizers and as always, great drink specials. First Friday events start around 6:30 and can continue all night depending on the location. First Friday is a great example of amazing downtown Raleigh. It captures the artistic atmosphere and encourages creativity.

 If you have not wondered the streets on a First Friday before then I strongly encourage you to do so. You can experience all the fun that downtown has to offer while viewing the talent of Raleigh's finest artists. Student at WPU Nikki George says, "I have never been to a First Friday but it is something that I plan on attending after hearing about it."

The next First Friday is this upcoming Friday the 6th, so do your self a favor and catch the hype of downtown Raleigh.

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